
This post will be updated as coaches add information about practice plans.

Current Schedule For Winter Break Practices posted February 17.  Update:  High Jumpers please meet at 8am on the track Monday, Wednesday and Thursday at 8am–this is a good week to try High Jump even if you never tried it before!

Saturday February 19

8:00am:  Distance runners, athlete-lead practice.  Long run 7 to 12 miles.  Base run suggested is Up and Over plus 7 Springs ‘Julia’s Way’ (Clockwise over Seven Springs).  Finish with 6 strides or 6×30-30 on way back.

Sunday February 20

Rest or cross train.  This is a great day to plan a big hike or bike ride with teammates!  Good x-training plus team bonding plus nature.

Monday February 21

8:00am: Distance runners, athlete-lead practice.  Base run suggested is run up to Fremont Older and run hill repeats on Coach’s Hill.  Run two more hill repeats than you ran in the prior week.

8:00am:  High jumpers and people who want to try high jump.  With Coach Hartford and Coach Dobbins.

2:30pm:  Sprinters and hurdlers and horizontal jumpers and throwers, Coach Curtis, Coach Heen and Coach Ryner will be at practice.


Tuesday February 22

8:00am: Distance runners with Coach Johnson.  Base run suggested is Matadors’ Loop.  Run to Stevens Canyon, drill, run the loop…for most of you on the way back, add on a mile by turning right at the golf course trail cut off to Linda Vista, run around the bike path on the perimeter of Linda Vista, then come back on Linda Vista Drive OR, if you are feeling even more motivated and ambitious, you could go back on Terrace to Bubb.

2:30pm:  Sprinters and hurdlers and horizontal jumpers and throwers, Coach Curtis, Coach Heen and Coach Ryner will be at practice.


Wednesday February 23

8:00am: Distance runners, athlete-lead practice.  This is a recovery day.  My suggestion is run to Jollyman Park, drill there, and then pick a route that gets you someplace between four and six conversational miles.  Six strides afterwards.

8:00am:  High jumpers and people who want to try high jump.  With Coach Hartford and Coach Dobbins.

2:30pm:  Sprinters and hurdlers and horizontal jumpers and throwers, Coach Curtis, Coach Heen and Coach Ryner will be at practice.


Thursday February 24

8:00am: Distance runners with Coach Johnson.  We are running a track workout, so bring your fast shoes.  I’d also suggest you get up early to eat something so you are not doing this without fuel, but also don’t have a giant breakfast burrito bouncing around like a brick in your stomach…personally I like a banana with some almond butter slathered on it or a banana and a piece of almond-butter toast at least an hour before this, but that’s me…think of this as a test run for RustBuster.  For the workout, I’d like you to try an up/down at CV pace even though I’m not there to guide you…what you are going to try is a 4X(400CV+800CV)+400m or for higher mileage people 5X(400CV+800CV)+400CV.  The first option is 5200m of work and is suitable for athletes who ran 12×400 in our last CV workout.  The second option is 6400m of work and is suitable for athletes who ran 16×400 in our last CV workout.  The goal is to try to keep your pace at the same pace or faster than the CV workout on February 10.  Your recovery between reps should be equal to or less than the time of the rep you just completed.  After the workout, take a five minute break then run 6 strides or 6 30/30s, then a nice long warm down, then lots of fluids and a giant breakfast.  (If you are confused about my workout math notation, the formula for option 1 expanded is 400-800-400-800-400-800-400-800-400, recoveries not notated.)

8:00am:  High jumpers and people who want to try high jump.  With Coach Hartford and Coach Dobbins.

2:30pm:  Sprinters and hurdlers and horizontal jumpers and throwers, Coach Curtis, Coach Heen and Coach Ryner will be at practice.


Friday February 25

8:00am: Distance runners, athlete-lead practice.  This is a recovery day.  My suggestion is run round the school or through McClellan for your warm up, drill on the track, and then pick a route that gets you someplace between four and six conversational miles total including your warm up.  

2:30pm:  Sprinters and hurdlers and horizontal jumpers and throwers, Coach Curtis, Coach Heen and Coach Ryner will be at practice.


Saturday February 26

8:00am:  Distance runners, athlete-lead practice.  Long run 7 to 13 miles.  Base run suggested is Horse, Horse + Garrods, or REI.  You can always go out the Prospect direction for more on he RR tracks.  Finish with 6 strides or 6×30-30 on way back.


Sunday February 27

Rest or cross train.  This is a great day to plan a big hike or bike ride with teammates!  Good x-training plus team bonding plus nature.

Monday February 28

Back to normal practice and…it is RustBuster week!