
Jeremy Hohengarten, our photographer and own still-musician, has posted a set of photos from our team photo day.  We have another great set of team shots as well as a lot of small group portraits that you can choose from.  There are a lot of wonderful photos here–suitable for your profile pages, printing for your desktop, or sending off to grandparents!


A reminder of how we do this, the way that MVTF and MVXC handle team photos is different than most other teams I think…all these photos are available to you at no cost!  What the track team does is pay for the full rights to the photos thanks to parents’ Monta Vista Athletic Boosters contributions.  We want every athlete and family to have access to MANY great photos not only one team photo, and we don’t want you to have to pay for just that one group photo print.  We want you to have access to all these memories of your season and your teammates!  So, thank you to every parent who joined MVAB (if you have not joined yet you can still support the track team and MVAB here).

You can see all the photos on Jeremy’s site.  To download the photos, you use the password track2018.

Enjoy!  You all look great!
