
No matter what, you’re always better when you come back from running than when you go out.

–Katherine Switzer (the first woman to run the Boston Marathon)

We now have two weeks of summer running in our log books!  For many of us, that is already more than 50 miles of running since school ended–it’s as if we have all got together and run from the Monta Vista track to the other side of the Golden Gate Bridge.  Impressive!

If you have been joining summer running consistently already–keep it up!  You are doing great, adding to your own fitness and contributing to our team spirit!

If you are going to be a new freshman at Monta Vista, it is never too late to join our summer running group.  Here is everything you need to know about the student-lead summer running program at Monta Vista!

Returning and new cross country runners–please check out this information on things we all need to take care of before the season starts.

Some news from the first two weeks of summer…

Lake Tahoe Relay


On June 8, the boys put together a team to compete in the Lake Tahoe Relay–a grueling relay race with seven athletes running 72 miles around Lake Tahoe!  In a fantastic race, the boys’ team took second place in the high school division; amazingly in a 72 mile race, the top three teams all finished less than 10 minutes apart (that’s a photo finish for a race that lasts more than eight hours!).  Congratulations to Pranav, Andrew R, Matthew, Alex, Kyle, Conner and Sahil who combined to bring home another podium finish (and get a great start on their summer running).

The boys completely organized this event!  No coaches involved at all–the boys, in particularly Kyle, put together everything.  (Well, there was some parent support for driving and food prep!)  Well done, team!






Beach Run


Two dozen Monta Vista runners got together and organized a beach run on Saturday, June 15.  Starting from Natural Bridges beach, the group ran a seven mile route that followed the most interesting part of the Santa Cruz Half Marathon course–a route that includes a cliff-side trail with spectacular views of the Pacific Coast and many, many wildflowers this time of the year!  The run seems to be followed with a Pacific Ocean ice bath and some excellent food as well as quality beach time.  

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Group Trip to a Running Specialty Store

If you are a serious runner, you probably need new shoes!  Think about it–if you are running 30 miles a week, that means from when school ended through when our season begins you will put more than 300 miles on one pair of shoes.  You need new shoes now so that those miles are done in a pair of running shoes that fits you well, is suited to your running style–and a pair of shoes that is not worn out!  Poor fitting, worn out shoes can contribute to many running injuries.

Please go to a running specialty store to be fitted for your shoes!  A well stocked and well trained running specialty store will be able to help you find the right shoe for you.  Please don’t worry about the color of your shoes.  And the brand of shoe does not matter much–Brooks, Saucony, Nike, adidas, ASICS, New Balance, Hoka and other companies all make a good pair of shoes that might serve you well.  The important thing is to find the right shoe for your stride and your body.  Please don’t shop the internet or go to a store that also sells canoes.  Many of the local running specialty stores–Running Revolution, A Runner’s Mind, Athletic Performance–can help you find the perfect pair of shoes for you.

Why not put together a group and go to get new shoes together (and maybe have a run or a slice of pizza or a bowl of ice cream after)?

Look at this happy group of MVXC athletes–see how a new pair of shoes can make a runner happy!



YOU Could Plan the Next MVXC Adventure!

Adventures like the beach run and the Tahoe Relay are examples of some of the great experiences we can get through running!  Any enthusiastic runner can plan, organize and promote a fun adventure for the team.  These summer adventures can be close and convenient (taking friends to a route in Rancho San Antonio that they might not have run before, with a breakfast afterwards); further afield (there are some big  hills in Quicksilver/South San Jose that will challenge anyone); or simply beautiful and worth most of a Saturday or Sunday (Nisene Marks Forest has some great trails in the redwoods that are worth a drive).  And there is nothing wrong with repeating a beach run!  If you want some ideas for routes feel free to reach out to Coach.  

MVXC student-athletes put together the Beach Run, the team at the Tahoe Relay, and the first of many group trips to a running shoe store–you could put together a breakfast run, a trip to the Los Gatos Creek Trail for a run, or an adventure in the redwood forest–why not you?

Keep up the great running, everyone!  Please send coach photos of summer group runs, trips to the shoe store, pizza parties or anything MVXC and you might find them posted here!

I’m always going to feel better for doing a run than for not doing one. Even if it’s only ten minutes, running is a contribution to myself.  When people tell me they don’t have time to run, I say, “You have ten minutes.”

–Katherine Switzer (the first woman to run the Boston Marathon)
