The Monta Vista cross country team had the honor of hosting three elite members of the Mammoth Track Club at MV on Monday, October 8.

American 50km record holder Josh Cox, NCAA track champion Josphat Boit, and ex-Oregon star Bria Wetsch all dropped by to share some inspiration with out team.  They talked about how if you are going to set high goals, you have to be ready to tolerate lows as well as the highs–high achievers are going to be out on the edge of what is possible (Josh talked about losing more times than he won).  We talked about how people who are achievers tend to show that in all phases of their lives–while Bria was pushing herself as an athlete at the University of Oregon, she also earned a Masters degree.  Bria did not limit herself to only athletics, she chose to excel athletically and academically–it IS possible to do both, even in college.  They talked about setting big goals, but to also have intermediate steps or goals that get you to where you want to go.  And Josh also talked about not forgetting to enjoy the journey, to enjoy the hear and now, to treasure what we have in the moment.

I can’t do justice to what they said, you had to be there I think…thanks to Josh, Josphat and Bria!