
League Finals were an unprecedented success for the Monta Vista Cross Country team!

Both the Varsity Boys and the Varsity Girls qualified for the Central Coast Section finals on November 16.  Both girls teams–varsity and junior varsity–claimed league championships in dominating fashion, with scores of 28 and 23 points, respectively.  The varsity girls’ won the De Anza league championship was only the 3rd championship in Monta Vista girls XC history, and was the fastest team time ever recorded by the Monta Vista girls at the DAL championship (94:15, compared to the previous record of 94:48 by the legendary 2005 team).  The JV girls are the DAL champions for the 3rd year in a row!  Amazingly, the JV girls team time would have them ranked approximately 30th out of the 135 CCS varsity teams!


Individually, Monta Vista had plenty of highlights.  Of the 72 Monta Vista runners who had run Crystal Springs before, 48 (67%) improved and 30 had PRs!  Big PRs were recorded by Bridget Gottlieb (40 seconds off an already outstanding PR), Namrata Subramanian (56 seconds), Joanne Lai (59 seconds), Kelly Bishop (1:57), and Jae Youn Lee with an incredible 2:22 PR!  The boys’ PR parade included Rohan Choudhury (47 seconds), Jake Bornstein (1:26), and Brighton Balfrey (1:42).

Bridget’s 17:50 earned a spot on the list of the top 100 times every recorded by high school girls on the Crystal Springs course, just behind the time that Olympian Shannon Rowbury ran during her prep days at Sacred Heart.


The girls brought back 12 of the 25 medals awarded on Tuesday, lead by a 1-2 finish in the Varsity race by Bridget and Kelly, and a 1-2-3 finish in the JV race by Namrata, Kaylene Patti and Paru Meyyappan.  Other medalists were Jenny Xu, Sunny Shan, Maddie Yip, Julia Chang, Anna Hsaio, Chloe Li and Isabel La Plain.  For the boys, Rohan Choudhury brought home a varsity medal.

In addition to the two girls championships, the boys varsity and frosh soph teams both placed 5th.

Great job, everyone!  We hope to see lots of support for our CCS representatives at the Section championships, back at Crystal on the afternoon of Saturday, November 16.

Complete results are available on Hank Lawson’s CCS XC website.

There are photos up in the gallery, and also you can go to the Picasa albums to download any photo you would like.
