
The 2016 Track and Field banquet is coming up soon!  On May 10, we will get together to celebrate our wonderful season and honor our athletes.  Parents, we hope to see you all there, and we also hope to see  the younger kids also come to learn about what their big brothers and big sisters after school at the track!  We only charge $20 for an entire family, no matter how many brothers, sisters, grandmothers come, because we really want you all to come see your athlete and their team!

The banquet is a combination of catering (for the main course) and pot luck (for other things), which we think reduces the amount of work while at the same time allowing us to all contribute some favorite recipe to the group (coach has found some amazing homemade desserts in the past!).

The sign up form is HERE.

We hope to see everyone at the banquet!

